rachel 5:20pm
I went to a bar in Estonia that was Freudian themed
Blankets should never be tucked under the ends of beds. Let the feet move and breathe freely.
20 years in business
943 clients
66 companies named
460 logos designed
168 websites launched
∞ cats admired
"When finessing the rebrand of East Fork Pottery for founders Alex and Connie Matisse, Nissenboim and Rice gave strategic input on repositioning the company and segued into becoming equity investors.
'We understand the decisions and struggles that business owners face, which informs how we work with them,' Rice says. 'We challenge their ideas of what’s expected and come up with a variety of ways to execute their ideas in ways they may not have thought of,' Nissenboim adds."
The heart of the matter. Our work is rooted in smart strategy and conceptual thinking, building a strong foundation for every brand.
You have to feed the beast. We help brands create those never ending opportunities to connect with customers.
We love the internet. Our web projects balance delightful experiences with tried and true best practices to excite (read: convert) hearts, minds and dollars.
Smell it, touch it, put it on your body. Experiences are defined by how they make you feel. Elevating elements of your brand in the right ways [for peace, love and happiness].
We are relatively young people running a relatively old company and here’s what we’ve learned: